How to improve your French accent

Just listen to Macron speak English..

Le subjonctif

Subjonctive is difficult to understand for a lot of people, hopefully this little clip will help you understand it a bit better. and if you need to look up some conjugations:

La fille inconnue – the unknown girl

An excellent movie by the famous Belgian Dardenne brothers about a young doctor who gets accidently involved in solving a crime story, compelling… Un excellent film, realisé par les frères Dardenne qui raconte l’histoire d’une jeune doctoresse involontairement impliquée dans

‘A bras ouverts’ movie from the ‘ qu’est-ce qu’on a fait au bon Dieu’ director…

If you enjoyed ‘qu’est-ce qu’on a fait au bon dieu?’ you’ll love this one too! Si vous avez aimé ‘qu’est-ce qu’on a fait au bon dieu’? vous allez adorer celui-ci aussi…

Sage- femme The midwife

Claire is a midwife in a maternity hospital. She is humane and helpful and gives herself entirely to her patients. But for all that her life is not a bed of roses. Her hospital is about to close its doors

L’odyssee – a film about the life of Cousteau

In 1948, Jacques -Yves Cousteau was leading an idyllic life by the Mediterranean sea but he was dreaming of adventure.. In order to fulfil his dreams the charismatic sea explorer was prepared to do anything… A beautiful film which covers

Great short stories to help improve your French

Reading a whole long novel in a foreign language can be a daunting prospect at first, these short stories are ideal to get you started!

A great and fun vocab book to help revise for your exams!

New great grammar book for complete beginners

Or for those who need to review the basics… And the answers’ book to work on your own..

Bienvenue à Marly-Gomont – The African doctor

  Based on a true story this film tell the story of the difficulties that a doctor and his family encountered when coming from Congo trying to settle in a small village in rural France in the 70’s. Despite a

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