Category Archives: Beginners

New great grammar book for complete beginners

Or for those who need to review the basics… And the answers’ book to work on your own..

Le 21 juin, c’est la fête de la musique !

Le 21 juin, faites de la musique! Ce clip va tout vous expliquer!

More faux-amis…

This little clips to avoid blunders…

Ma famille

Great clip to talk about family member…

Questions with Inversions

Asking questions in French may seem tricky – not when you know how… Watch this clip and you will find out how…

La rentrée des classes – going back to school

It is almost a ritual in France each September , a new beginning after the August shut-down and the long holidays or as they call it ‘les grandes vacances’. Overnight, life changes. Children go back to school, people return to

Learn – or revise – the main verbs in a fun way with movie extracts…

A fun way to learn the most common verbs…


Knowing how to greet people in their language when you visit a foreign country will not only break the ice but also show you are making an effort which they will appreciate. Here is a few greetings to help you

Assumption – le 15 août

The Feast of the Assumption of Mary (L’Assomption de Marie) celebrates the Catholic belief that the Virgin Mary’s spirit and body was assumed to heaven. It is an important occasion for village and church festivals and is a public holiday

Saying thank you

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