Sage- femme The midwife
Claire is a midwife in a maternity hospital. She is humane and helpful and gives herself entirely to her patients. But for all that her life is not a bed of roses. Her hospital is about to close its doors and the devoted woman is determined not to work in the new modern hospital she regards as a “baby factory”. Her personal life is no triumph either: she is single and does not make friends easily. To make matters worse, her student son Simon is gradually leaving home, as he is developing a relationship with his new sweetheart Lucie. It is the moment that chooses Béatrice, her dead father’s former mistress, to resurface…
A great movie with two of best French actresses Catherine Deneuve and Catherine Frot (A ten-time César Award nominee, she won the awards for Best Actress for Marguerite in 2015)
Claire est sage-femme dans une maternité; elle est humaine et consacre tout son temps a ses patients, mais malgré cela sa vie est loin d’être parfaite.. son hôpital risque de fermer et elle refuse de travailler dans ce qu’elle appelle une ‘usine a bébé’ la nouvelle maternité moderne; sa vie personnelle est guère mieux car son fils unique s’apprête a quitter le cocon familial.. un jour elle reçoit un appel de l’ancienne compagne de son père -maintenant décédé et sa vie va changer radicalement.
Un film superbe avec deux des meilleures actrices françaises …( César de la meilleure actrice pour Marguerite en 2015)
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