It is proven : learning a foreign language is good for you !

Hello, Bonjour!

We already know that learning a foreign language can keep diseases such as Alzheimer at bay, now researches have proven that it can also save you if you suffered a stroke. A study of 600 people who suffered a stroke proved that 40{324481812fbadc15b89e6d5a42193f0120379a59f80814444d6809be47ea3e73} of those who could speak at least another language recovered normal cognitive functions quicker than those who didn’t! Alors, qu’est-ce que vous attendez? So, what are you waiting for?

Even though, to fully master a language,  nothing replaces total immersion, every little helps, whether you listen to the language actively or passively, read in French, watch a French movie – ideally without subtitles or if you must with French or English subtitles – depending on your level, listening to a French song – with or without the lyrics –   anything you do, will contribute to reaching your final goal, whether it’s just being able to get by or chat to the locals or have  more ‘philosophical’ conversations with the natives! Alors on y va! So, let’s get started!

For you this week, and to know everything about Christmas in French: Watch
this  funny little clip:

Pour vous cette semaine et si vous voulez apprendre du vocabulaire sur Noël, regardez ce petit clip amusant:
Or this trailer for our film recommandation of the week:

Ou bien cette bande-annonce de notre recommendation de la semaine: La che

The core of this movie plot is members of a family spending the Christmas together, who have not shared a Christmas celebration in many years. La Bûche refers to a type of Christmas cake often eaten in France during the festive season, resembles a log but folds like a large Little Swiss roll. Just like the traditional cake, the characters of the film, like family life, has several layers that unfold and  are full of unexpected surprises…



Get it at

La Buche (Season’s Beatings) [DVD] (1999) (French Import)


La Buche (Season’s Beatings) [DVD] (1999) (French Import)

Have a lovely Christmas !

Joyeux Noël à tous !



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