L’armistice – Armistice day

11th November 1918, the Great war came to end…
The final Allied push towards the German border began on October 17, 1918. As the British, French and American armies advanced, the alliance between the Central Powers began to collapse. Turkey signed an armistice at the end of October, Austria-Hungary followed on November 3.
Germany began to crumble from within. Faced with the prospect of returning to sea, the sailors of
the High Seas Fleet stationed at Kiel mutinied on October 29. Within a few days, the entire city was in their control and the revolution spread throughout the country. On November 9 the Kaiser abdicated; slipping across the border into the Netherlands and exile. A German Republic was declared and peace feelers extended to the Allies. At 5 AM on the morning of November 11 an armistice was signed in a railroad car parked in a French forest near the front lines.
The terms of the agreement called for the cessation of fighting along the entire Western Front to begin at precisely 11 AM that morning after over four years of bloody conflict.
L’armistice de 1918, signé le 11 novembre 1918 à 5h152, marque la fin des combats de la Première Guerre mondiale (1914-1918), la victoire des Alliés et la défaite totale de l’Allemagne, mais il ne s’agit pas d’une capitulation au sens propre.
Le cessez-le-feu est effectif à onze heures, entraînant dans l’ensemble de la France des volées de cloches et des sonneries de clairons annonçant la fin d’une guerre qui a fait plus de 8 millions de morts, d’invalides et de mutilés. Les généraux allemands et alliés se réunissent dans un wagon-restaurant aménagé provenant du train d’État-Major du maréchal Foch, dans la clairière de Rethondes, en forêt de Compiègne.
Plus tard, en 1919, à Versailles, sera signé le traité de paix de Versailles, qui met réellement fin à l’état de guerre.

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